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When I took creative control of Meantime their digital presence was nothing more than a badly designed website, we have come a long way since then.

Meantime brew over 50 beers every year, we wanted to make our customers a part of this process so we created the Virtual Brew app. 

It was a roaring success on social media and our brewmaster Alistair Hook even chose what he thought was the best beer recipe and we rewarded our customers with their own personalised brew.

We transported our drinkers to Greenwich by creating a Virtual Brewery Tour. It can also be experienced on the web.

To make queuing a little more interesting on a hot summers day we created an interactive game giving punters the chance to win a pint.

Hops in a Box was an initiative that encouraged people to grow their own hops to be included in the first ever crowd sourced beer. We created a Facebook app to activate the campaign and it's fair to say it was a roaring success with over 30,000 boxes distributed and an increase of 28% more likes and follows on our social platforms. 

To reinforce our position as the true champions of the craft beer industry we armed our fans

with a host of pub quiz trivia in a fun and engaging way. We called them The Bar Charts.

We made it really easy for fans to get involved with Meantime by creating a single destination for all our social activity.

For the discerning craft beer crowd we created a AR app using Blippar to give our drinkers the story behind each one our beers.

It is also used as a platform to enter competitons, drive social content and deliver news about Meantime.

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